Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The ThrillPots Operator API is used as the integration point between and operator's transactional environment and the ThrillPots platform. The API has been designed to support the most common use cases that operators have when integrating the Jackpot solution.
This method will retrieve the currencies applicable to a specific brand_id in the system. If the brand has not had its multipliers explicity overridden, the default currency multipliers will be returned.
brand_id required | string ID of the brand |
{- "brand_id": "string",
- "base_currency": "string",
- "multipliers": {
- "property1": 0.1,
- "property2": 0.1
Once a websocket connection is established, this method will enter a loop which will periodically publish the status of all active jackpots to the client connection.
Upon successful connection, the client is required to authenticate the websocket
Refer to the official documentation for more information
instance_id required | string |
brand_id | string or null |
sort_field | string or null Field to sort on |
sort_direction | integer or null <int32> Direction to sort in (1 = ASC, -1 = DESC) |
page | integer or null <int32> Page to retrieve |
limit | integer or null <int32> Number of items to retrieve |
[- {
- "instance_id": "string",
- "brand_id": "string",
- "player_id": "string",
- "ext_player_id": "string",
- "ticket_count": 0,
- "accumulated_cost": "string",
- "timestamp_start": 0,
- "timestamp_end": 0
player_id required | string |
instance_id required | string |
brand_id required | string |
[- {
- "instance_id": "string",
- "brand_id": "string",
- "player_id": "string",
- "ext_player_id": "string",
- "ticket_count": 0,
- "accumulated_cost": "string",
- "timestamp_start": 0,
- "timestamp_end": 0
player_id required | string |
brand_id required | string |
[- {
- "instance_id": "string",
- "brand_id": "string",
- "player_id": "string",
- "ext_player_id": "string",
- "ticket_count": 0,
- "accumulated_cost": "string",
- "timestamp_start": 0,
- "timestamp_end": 0
If callback
is specified, then the contribution is performed asynchronously and this method
will respond immediately with either an empty 200 OK
or a related error message
instance_id required | string The jackpot instance ID to make the contribution to |
token required | string The session token under which the contribution has been made |
brand_id required | string The brand id that the player/contribution originates from |
player_id required | string The player id that generated the contribution |
player_country required | string The country that the player is playing from |
gameround_id | string or null The gameround/cycle ID of the source user flow that caused the contribution to happen. For example, if a player made a bet on a game, this would be the game's gameround ID. If a player made a successful deposit, this would be the deposit's identifier. This field is stored by ThrillPots and is used a back-reference to the original user action that caused the contribution to happen. |
base_wager required | number <double> The base [game] wager (if any) |
currency required | string Currency of the wager |
object or null | |
metadata | any or null Opaque data object that contains pass-through data for the caller. The content of this property will be sent back on the JackpotContributionResponse to this request |
event_metadata | any or null Opaque data object that contains pass-through data for the caller. The content of this property will be attached to any resulting events. ( win events at that stage ) |
{- "instance_id": "string",
- "token": "string",
- "brand_id": "string",
- "player_id": "string",
- "player_country": "string",
- "gameround_id": "string",
- "base_wager": 0.1,
- "currency": "string",
- "callback": {
- "win_result_only": true,
- "web_hook": "string"
}, - "metadata": null,
- "event_metadata": null
{- "instance_id": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "gameround_id": "string",
- "win_amount": 0.1,
- "win_pot_id": "string",
- "tickets_awarded": 0,
- "win_withheld": true,
- "contribution_currency": "string",
- "contribution_amount": 0.1,
- "metadata": null
If callback
is specified, then the contribution is performed asynchronously and this method
will respond immediately with either an empty 200 OK
or a related error message
token required | string The session token under which the contribution has been made |
brand_id required | string The brand id that the player/contribution originates from |
player_id required | string The player id that generated the contribution |
player_country required | string The country that the player is playing from |
segments | Array of strings or null Any segments that the player might be part of |
source_id required | string ID of the source system that was played to generate the contribution (for example, if the contribution was generated through gameplay, this could contain the game’s gamecode identifier) |
gameround_id | string or null The gameround/cycle ID of the source user flow that caused the contribution to happen. For example, if a player made a bet on a game, this would be the game's gameround ID. If a player made a successful deposit, this would be the deposit's identifier. This field is stored by ThrillPots and is used a back-reference to the original user action that caused the contribution to happen. |
base_wager required | number <double> The base [game] wager (if any) |
currency required | string Currency of the wager |
object or null | |
metadata | any or null Opaque data object that contains pass-through data for the caller. The content of this property will be sent back on the JackpotContributionResponse to this request. |
event_metadata | any or null Opaque data object that contains pass-through data for the caller. The content of this property will be attached to any resulting events. ( win events at that stage ) |
{- "token": "string",
- "brand_id": "string",
- "player_id": "string",
- "player_country": "string",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "source_id": "string",
- "gameround_id": "string",
- "base_wager": 0.1,
- "currency": "string",
- "callback": {
- "win_result_only": true,
- "web_hook": "string"
}, - "metadata": null,
- "event_metadata": null
{- "instance_id": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "gameround_id": "string",
- "win_amount": 0.1,
- "win_pot_id": "string",
- "tickets_awarded": 0,
- "win_withheld": true,
- "contribution_currency": "string",
- "contribution_amount": 0.1,
- "metadata": null
instance_id required | string ID of the instance to retrieve a jackpot winners for |
limit | integer or null <int32> >= 0 Number of winners |
brand_id | string or null ID of the winners' brand |
[- {
- "win_pot_id": "string",
- "win_amount": 0.1,
- "jackpot_currency": "string",
- "player_id": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "brand_id": "string"
instance_id required | string ID of the instance to retrieve a jackpot winners for |
limit | integer or null <int32> >= 0 Number of winners |
brand_id | string or null ID of the winners' brand |
{- "property1": [
- {
- "win_pot_id": "string",
- "win_amount": 0.1,
- "jackpot_currency": "string",
- "player_id": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "brand_id": "string"
], - "property2": [
- {
- "win_pot_id": "string",
- "win_amount": 0.1,
- "jackpot_currency": "string",
- "player_id": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "brand_id": "string"
source_id required | string ID of the source to retrieve a jackpot for |
brand_id required | string ID of the brand of the source |
player_id required | string ID of the player |
country_code required | string Country of the player |
segments | string or null Comma separated list of segments the player belongs to |
{- "id": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "opt_in_required": true,
- "contribution_type": {
- "Fixed": 0.1
}, - "optin_status": {
- "instance_id": "string",
- "player_id": "string",
- "ext_player_id": "string",
- "player_brand_id": "string",
- "preferred_contribution_value": "string",
- "contribution_count": 0,
- "contribution_value": 0.1,
- "pot_contributions": {
- "property1": {
- "contribution_count": 0,
- "contribution_value": 0.1
}, - "property2": {
- "contribution_count": 0,
- "contribution_value": 0.1
}, - "opted_in": true,
- "last_updated": 0
}, - "pots": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "contribution": {
- "Fixed": 0.1
}, - "payout_ruleset": {
- "main_winner_percentage": 0.1,
- "admin_fee": 0.1,
- "payout_rules": [
- {
- "payout_percentage": 0.1,
- "rule": {
- "ActivePlayers": {
- "period_before_win": 0,
- "max_number_of_payouts": 0
}, - "seed_contribution": {
- "Fixed": 0.1
}, - "seed_strategy": {
- "initial_seed_value": 0.1,
- "min_reseed_value": 0.1,
- "fund_strategy": "CollectToMinReseed",
- "reseed_strategy": "Full"
}, - "win_constraints": [
- {
- "AllowedSeedDeficit": "string"
], - "instance_count": 0,
- "timestamp_created": 0,
- "supports_external_trigger": true,
- "is_progressive": true,
- "surplus_seed": 0.1,
- "contributed_amount": 0.1,
- "contributed_seed": 0.1,
- "seed_value": 0.1,
- "current_value": 0.1,
- "pot_types": [
- {
- "Time": {
- "start_time": 0,
- "end_time": 0
], - "criteria": {
- "min_base_wager": 0,
- "min_contribution": 0
}, - "maximum_pot_value": "string",
- "overflow_amount": 0.1,
- "total_contributions": 0
], - "timestamp_start": 0,
- "timestamp_end": 0,
- "status": "Pending"
instance_id required | string The jackpot id for the opt-in/opt-out request |
player_id required | string The player id for the opt-in/opt-out request |
brand_id required | string The brand path (operator_id:brand_id) that the player/contribution originates from |
player_country required | string The country that the player is playing from (ISO-3166-2 country code) |
opt_in required | boolean Flag indicating whether the player is opting in or out of the jackpot contributions |
contribution_value | string or null [Optional] Indicates the value of the bet the player wishes to make on each contribution |
{- "instance_id": "string",
- "player_id": "string",
- "brand_id": "string",
- "player_country": "string",
- "opt_in": true,
- "contribution_value": "string"
A source represents a unique point in the player journey from where a jackpot contribution can originate from.
For example, a source could be a game code (for game-driven contributions), or 'sportsbook' or event 'deposit-flow' for non-gaming related jackpot contributions.
owner_id required | string The owner/brand ID to retrieve sources for |
name | string or null An optional name filter for the source |
[- {
- "owner_id": "string",
- "source_name": "string",
- "source_id": "string",
- "jackpots": [
- {
- "priority": 0,
- "owner_id": "string",
- "instance_id": "string"