ThrillPots Event Structures

This section provides the data definitions (in JSON) for each of the ThrillPots events.

Event: JackpotUpdateEvent

    "id": String,
    "jackpot_type": "Jackpot" | "Raffle", 
    "currency": String,
    "pots": [PotTicker],
    "allowed_brands": [String],
    "allowed_sources": [String],
    "status": String,
    "timestamp_start": Number | null,
    "timestamp_end": Number | null,
    "last_updated": Number


Event: WinEvent

    "brand_id": String,
    "player_id": String,
    "source_id": String,
    "instance_id": String,
    "jackpot_name": String,
    "jackpot_currency": String,
    "timestamp": Number,
    "win_pot_id": String,
        "currency_multipliers": {
            "brand_id": String,
            "base_currency": String,
            "multipliers": {
                "EUR": Number,
                "GBP": Number,
                "ZAR": Number,
                "NZD": Number,
                "SEK": Number
    "win_withheld": bool,
    "community_winners": [PayoutRecord],
    "games_in_jackpot": [String],
    "seed": Number,
	"metadata": null | Object,


Event: RaffleWinEvent

    "brand_id": String,
    "instance_id": String,
    "jackpot_name": String,
    "jackpot_currency": String,
    "currency_multipliers": {
        "brand_id": String,
        "base_currency": String,
        "multipliers": {
            "EUR": Number,
            "GBP": Number,
            "ZAR": Number,
            "NZD": Number,
            "SEK": Number
    "timestamp": Number,
    "winners": [
            "player_id": String,
            "brand_id": String,
            "currency": String,
            "win_amount": Number
    "win_withheld": bool


The winners field contains an array of tuples. The structure of each tuples is (String, CurrencyValue). The first element in the tuple contains the ID of a winning player and the second element contains the amount that the player won.

Event: OptInEvent

    "instance_id": String,
    "player_id": String,
    "ext_player_id": String,
    "player_brand_id": String,
    "preferred_contribution_value": Number,
    "contribution_count": Number,
    "contribution_value": Number,
    "opted_in": Boolean,
    "last_updated": Number,

Event: CommunityPayoutErrorEvent

    "instance_id": String,
    "gameround_id": String,
    "tx_credit_id": String,
    "failed_payouts": [
            "player_id": String,
            "brand_id": String,
            "currency": String,
            "win_amount": Number

Event: RafflePayoutErrorEvent

    "instance_id": String,
    "failed_payouts": [
            "player_id": String,
            "brand_id": String,
            "currency": String,
            "win_amount": Number

Structure References


    "id": String,
    "is_progressive": Boolean,
    "current_value": Number


    "currency": String,
    "value": Number


    "player_id": String,
    "brand_id": String,
    "currency": String,
    "win_amount": Number