ThrillConnect: Event Subscription

Subscribing for events

Once you have a connection established, you will usually want to subscribe for events. The ThrillTech event system allows you to specify which systems, and which events from those systems, you wish to subscribe to.

To subscribe for events from the ThrillPots system, you must send a SubscribeRequest message via the websocket connection. For example, to subscribe to all events from the thrillpots system, you can send the following message:

    "SubscribeRequest": {
        "events": [{
            "source": "thrillpots",
            "event_type": "*"

If you want to subscribe to specific events only, for example if you only want to subscribe to JackpotUpdateEvents, you could send the following request:

    "SubscribeRequest": {
        "events": [{
            "source": "thrillpots",
            "event_type": "JackpotUpdate"

Event Types

The following events are available to be subscribe to for ThrillPots:

JackpotUpdateThese events provide periodic updates for all active jackpots
OptInEventThese events provide updates on the connected player's opt-in status
WinEventThese events provide win notifications (not specifically for the connected player)
RaffleWinEventThese events provide win notifications for raffle jackpot wins


JackpotUpdate events are sent periodically to keep your application informed of the latest jackpot values.

An example JackpotUpdate event could look like this:

    "msg_type": "Event",
    "source": "thrillpots",
    "msg_name": "JackpotUpdate",
    "operator_id": "thrilltech",
    "brand_id": "brand1",
    "player_id": null,
    "data": {
        "id": "f689317d-81c8-4395-b689-10ce6f88089e",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "pots": [
                "id": "minor",
                "is_progressive": true,
                "current_value": 10.0
                "id": "major",
                "is_progressive": true,
                "current_value": 100.21749999999994
                "id": "mega",
                "is_progressive": true,
                "current_value": 1000.045
        "allowed_brands": [
        "allowed_sources": [],
        "status": "Active",
        "last_updated": 1715154276442
    "timestamp": 1715191298453


When a player opts-in or opts-out of a jackpot, an event will be sent to that player's WebSocket connection. An structure of the data for an OptInEvent looks like this:

    "instance_id": String,
    "player_id": String,
    "player_brand_id": String,
    "preferred_contribution_value": Number,
    "opted_in": Boolean,
    "last_updated": Number,


When a Jackpot is won, the ThrillPots system publishes a WinEvent which contains the details of the win. This message is sent to all connections that are subscribed to the receive the event. The structure of the data portion of the Event message looks like this:

    "brand_id": String,
    "player_id": String,
    "source_id": Option<String>,
    "instance_id": String,
    "jackpot_name": String,
    "jackpot_currency": String,
    "timestamp": u64,
    "win_pot_id": String,
    "win_amount": Number,
    "currency_multipliers": {
        "brand_id": String,
        "base_currency": String,
        "multipliers": {
            "EUR": Number,
            "GBP": Number,
            "ZAR": Number,
            "NZD": Number,
            "SEK": Number
    "win_withheld": bool,
    "community_winners": null | [
            "player_id": String,
            "brand_id": String,
            "currency": String,
            "win_amount": Number
    "games_in_jackpot": Vec<String>,
    "seed": Decimal


When a Raffle Jackpot resolves and winners are determines, a RaffleWinEvent which contains the details of the wins will be sent. The message is sent to all connections that are subscribed to receive the event. The structure of the data portion of the Event message looks like this:

    "brand_id": String,
    "instance_id": String,
    "jackpot_name": String,
    "jackpot_currency": String,
    "currency_multipliers": {
        "brand_id": String,
        "base_currency": String,
        "multipliers": {
            "EUR": Number,
            "GBP": Number,
            "ZAR": Number,
            "NZD": Number,
            "SEK": Number
    "timestamp": Number,
    "winners": [
            "player_id": String,
            "brand_id": String,
            "currency": String,
            "win_amount": Number
    "win_withheld": bool