Configuring Wallet Error Behaviour

NOTE: Self-Hosted customers have the ability to define these conditions themselves within ThrillGate. If you are a SaaS customer, you will need to request any specific rules that you wish you to have via your Account Manager

It is possible to configure the way ThrillGate reacts to specific wallet errors.

The standard wallet error structure is defined as:

    "code": String,
    "message": String

Therefore, if your wallet need to respond with a 403 error (for example), the response would be:

HTTP Error Code: 403 Body:

    "code": "FORBIDDEN",
    "message": "",

Now, if you wanted to configure ThrillGate to never retry when your wallet returns a 403 error, you could add the following sub-document to your wallet's config field:

    "config": {
        "error_response_rules": {
            "403:FORBIDDEN": {
                "must_retry": false

From this example, you can see that you can also specialise specific errors based on their code value in the error response.

In other words, you could create different rules for handling a 400 error with code set to INVALID_STRUCTURE and separate rules for 400 with code set to INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE.

This type of control can be useful if your wallet has specific requirements for retry or cancellation handling from ThrillGate.

The error_response_rules object structure is defined as:

        "must_retry": Boolean,
        "must_cancel": Boolean,

Both must_retry and must_cancel are optional values and default to true if not set.