SaaS Integrations

Welcome to the SaaS integration guide for the ThrillPots Platform! Please read through the guide carefully as we have done our best to ensure that we explain each step of the integration as clearly as possible to ensure that you're efforts are as straighforward as possible.

How do SaaS integrations work?

When integration with the SaaS version of ThrillPots, you will be integrating your services with those of ThrillTech which are hosted in ThrillTech's hosting environment. There are 3 steps to the integration (as visualised in the diagram below):

1. Event Processor -> ThrillPots integration

This part of the integration connects enables your system to react to events occurring within your platform (such as bet events) and make jackpot contributions on behalf of players.

2. ThrillGate -> Wallet integration

This part of the integration enables the Thrillpots to communicate with your wallet system in order to be able to authenticate players and perform transactions for player jackpot bets and wins.

3. ThrillConnect -> Frontend integration

This part of the integration connects your player facing frontend(s) with the ThrillPots system and provides you with real time jackpot events and specific client-facing functionality (such as opting players in and out of jackpots)

We will discuss each of these steps in detail in the coming chapters.