ThrillPots Terminology

Before you start integrating, it would helpful to understand the terminology that is used in the context of ThrillPots.

SourceA 'source' refers to any user interaction that can occur on your site. For example, a 'source' may be a game, a sports bet, a successful deposit and so forth.

It is common to think of sources as games (and more specifically, their corresponding game codes) but there is no reason that the definition needs to be limited to games.
Bearer TokenA Bearer token is a security token that is sent using the Authorization header of an HTTP request. Typically, a Bearer token looks as follows:

Authorization: Bearer token_goes_here
Jackpot TemplateA 'jackpot template' contains the ruleset that is used to create one or more Jackpot Instances
Jackpot InstanceA 'jackpot instance' refers to a live jackpot that can be in one of many Jackpot States
Jackpot StateA jackpot instance can be in one of the following Jackpot States:

A pending jackpot is a scheduled jackpot that has not started to accept contributions or opt-ins from players
An active jackpot is a jackpot that is accepting contributions and opt-ins, and can be won
A paused jackpot does not accept contributions but can be "unpaused" by setting its state back to Active
A terminated jackpot is one that has ended due to either operator decision and manual intervention, or a scheduled jackpot that has reached the end of its lifetime. Terminated jackpots do not accept contributions or opt-ins and can not be re-activated.
ContributionA jackpot bet made on behalf of a player
Owner IDAn owner_id specifies the organisation or organisational unit that created and owns the resource. The structure of an owner ID is: operator_id:brand_id, where the brand_id portion is optional. For example, it is valid to have an owner id only be the operator_id on its own, which means that the resource is owned by the organisation, and not a specific brand.
Operator IDAn operator ID defines the identifier for a specific operator within the system. An operator can be considered an 'organisation' which has one or more brands
Brand IDA brand ID defines the identifier for a specific brand that an operator owns